Wednesday 9 November 2016

Male Infertility - Azoospermia - Treatment

Male infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child, caused by factors that are not related to the female. Several factors can lead to male infertility, including low sperm production, immobile sperm, malformed sperm, or blockages that prevent sperm delivery to the semen. These conditions can result from illnesses, infections, chronic health problems, injuries or environmental factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals. SpermHope is an idea based on a new concept of testicular cells behaviors, and it’s a natural treatment for Azoospermia.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Causes of zero sperm count

A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality or zero sperm count, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy. And azoospermia is the condition that causes infertility in men. To know more, please visit the website
azoospermia-zero sperm count-spermhope

Saturday 29 October 2016

Contact Azoospermia Treatment Specialist

Nowadays, the causes of male infertility are increasing and in particular the zero sperm count which is called azoospermia. And there are many experienced azoospermia treatment specialists available worldwide researching on the causes of infertility and providing right solutions to the peoples. Dr. Mahmoud Abuelhija is one of them providing a natural treatment for the azoospermia. You can visit their website to get complete information about the treatment procedure or you can visit the ad: click here.

Sunday 16 October 2016

SpermHope Kit - New supportive treatment for azoospermia

SpermHope Kit is a new supportive treatment for azoospermia. This treatment is for men who are found to have primary testicular failure usually cannot be fully cure and will likely require the use of surgical sperm retrieval methods to recover viable sperm for IVF. They highly recommend taking the six months course for effective results. You can order the product online by visiting the site

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Azoospermia - Male Infertility Condition

Azoospermia is the condition that causes infertility in men. In this condition, a man produces no sperm or very little sperm in his ejaculate, giving him a zero sperm count. Azoospermia can result from a problem with sperm production or sperm delivery. And this may seem like it would prohibit a man from fathering a child, there are treatments options that may help a man with azoospermia deliver sperm correctly or produce more sperm.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Non-obstructive azoospermia - Men infertility

Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is a severe form of infertility accounting for 10% of infertile men. Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (microTESE) includes a set of clinical protocols from which viable sperm are collected from patients (suffering from NOA), for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Clinical protocols associated with the processing of a microTESE sample are inefficient and significantly reduce the success of obtaining a viable sperm population. In this review we highlight the sources of these inefficiencies and how these sources can possibly be removed by microfluidic technology and single-cell Raman spectroscopy. Read more here

Sunday 25 September 2016

Male infertility - Men fertility Management

Reproduction or making a baby is a simple and natural experience for most couples. However, for some couples it is very difficult to conceive. A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy. Read more here